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Writer's pictureNofel Nawras

Thinking Is A Sign Of Insanity

Updated: Mar 14, 2020

David Matos Unsplash

Hurtling towards extinction the superbrain is exploding exponentially. The proliferation of neurotic advice by the masses is a sure sign of the disease at its most virulent.

The virus of thought is far more destructive than any biological disease and yet all the external symbols are perfect reflectors of the inner tumult that must unleash its demonic urge to spread, to share, to commune.

The infantile desire to share, borne out of a deep, psychopathic fear of death, has no choice but to surface in one form or another and give to the ignorance and fear that spawned it what it desires.

This is the promise of the Mystery. What you desire, pray for, whether consciously or unconsciously, will be provided. Thus the insanity and madness of existence is ever more evident in its extremity and will continue unabated. There is no going back. The genie is well and truly out of the bottle of desire.

Soon the truth of what is coming will be crystal clear to everyone. The panic will be unimaginable. This is still some way ahead, although it could happen in a few days. All the requirements are perfectly in place and those who will bring it about are itching to bring out their toys and play.

Of course, they do not realise what they are doing. The mass unconsciousness has been aroused by continuous excitement and depression. The whirlygig of molten force that must never be allowed to awaken is stretching its arms and rubbing its sleep-encrusted eyes. Brahma is ready to breathe out. Thank the stars.

The two poles of duality have sparked the grinding stone of creation and the little runt of ignorance, Apasmara, has escaped from beneath the foot of Shiva Nataraj. Even the Gods are under divine law and must obey the diktats of recurrence.

So what has thinking to do with all this? Don’t you long for peace from your insane ramblings? Don’t you look for a way to quieten the train of mounting ideas, worries, expectations, hopes, wishes, dreams, desires, resentments, jealousies? Are not the activities we escape into borne out of a desire to be free for a second, a few minutes, from the constant pressure of the internal despair brought about by the incessant chatter of our thoughts?

No. It's way past that for most people. Constant activity is the norm. Day and night the brain is on overload. The digital is merely an addendum and aid, an extension par excellence for the robotic thinking of humanity to continue and proliferate. Soon, AI will supersede and efficiently, rationally, logically, see that the parasites that have destroyed the earth must be terminated.

Meanwhile, the human brain thinks it can stop itself by thinking, by doing, by growing, by self-improvement, by talking about things incessantly. It’s gone totally, completely insane. It was always insane but managed to keep things under the carpet whilst the mass ignorance was kept entertained and asleep.

The Internet and digital mediums are stuffed to the gunnels with the brain vomiting itself, its disease, its despair again and again and again. It cannot see that it is the problem and has to stop. Anyway, it's too late. The toothpaste can’t be squeezed back into the tube and that would be no remedy. It would come out eventually.

So what can I do? Only I, in this body and I, in the body reading this can do anything. There’s no hope for the masses.

In the time left I must give up thinking and come to life. Life is in me, now. Life is free and glorious. Life is eternal and knows no misery, no fear, no death. To come to life I must die to everything that the world, the brain, thinks about.

All of my ideas about everything have to go.


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