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Here are some books I love and enjoy:


The Magus by John Fowles.

They're coming thick and fast. Okay, it might just be a young man's dream fantasy and yet it's much more. Again the search for mystery and love and truth. Oh, dear.


Steppenwolfe by Herman Hesse.

I know, I know I'm an old hippy. Hey, what's wrong with that? Another one of those rites of passage books. Here was the underbelly of things that no one spoke about and yet was everywhere.


The World According To Garp by John Irvine.

Lao T'su says there has to be laughter or there wouldn't be the Tao. Yeah, the joker in the pack. I love seriousness but laughter has a wonderful place. It again is close to insanity. 


Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig.

Oh, how I loved this book when I first read it as a troubled teen and still do. Here is the modern crossing point from creativity, writing no less, and spirituality. What is Quality? Yes, he went mad, but then the mad are often closest to God.


The Path to No-Self: Life at the Center by Bernadette Roberts.

Glorious Bernadette who slays the ignorance of self remorselessly and with a Christian Mystic's one-pointedness. 



Karezza by Alice Bunker Stockham and Karezza by J. William Lloyd.

Before the sex therapists got hold of this wonderful word and truth, it lived and flowered through the living experience of these extraordinary, ordinary people. It has always been with us and to my mind, no one expounds it better to our modern times than Barry Long. 


Any book by J. Krishnamurti.

Well, that's not quite true. Any book after the dissolution of the Order of the Star in the East. With Krishnamurti, my heart was opened and began to sing. My God, my God, there is a man who is different from the whole of humanity and I love his words. 


I Am That by Nisargadatta Maharaj.

When Nisargadatta opens his mouth, absolute glory and wonder emerge and vanish. There is no residue, nothing. He vanishes. He's not there. I love thee. I love thee. Thank thee.

Only Fear Dies by Barry Long.

This book is the one that did the job. The job being the whole spiritual journey of one's life. I appreciate all of us have different perceptions of everything and that's the beauty of existence. For me, no one comes close in the realm of down to earth, practical, comprehensive truth than Barry Long. I give thanks every moment I am reminded for this wonderful man.


 Winnie The Pooh by A. A. Milne.

Always keep the best to last. Any words to describe this masterpiece are superfluous. 

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