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Writer's pictureNofel Nawras

Myth Is What Happens Now

Utnapishtim and the Babylonian Flood Story.

The past does not vanish unless it’s dealt with. Humanity is one vast stream of consciousness that is unfathomable. The past repeats itself forever. It is ignorance. It is the whole of humanity’s ignorance since our movement away from the Divine.

The individual is unimportant to life. Life destroys individuals left, right and centre by the thousands. Nevertheless, the individual is the only being who can escape from the recurrence of ignorance. Through suffering and seeing through suffering, through the shedding of ignorance, through the living of life without choice but aligned with the will of the Mystery, the individual moves out of the karmic repository of the ignorant masses and empties their own past.

Wisdom is not a sound bite. Wisdom does not come from bullet points on how to live one’s life. Wisdom has to come from personal experience that is painful and salutary. Shame is a key feature, facet, of the diamond that is wisdom. Embarrassment at my stupidity is a sign of growing awareness of my own ignorance.

The shedding of ignorance is painful. It involves a fundamental change in the whole perception of one’s life. The individual realises that their whole life to that point has been a lie. Their opinions, beliefs, emotions have all been false and have created the mess of their existence.

The first abiding insight that must be lived is I am responsible for my life. This is as old as the hills and is deep within the human lexicon of wisdom. As within so without. The individual begins to have a chink of light in their darkness, their ignorance and is never the same again. This is only the first step. The dying of my selfish, arrogant, ignorant self takes a lifetime or is not completed in this lifetime.

Wisdom is not a way to make money or become famous. It is not a way for the person to become empowered. The person is the problem. The person is a set of unfulfilled desires that have coalesced in the psyche and taken over the body politic. The personality has caused and will cause all the problems of your life. It is a liar and a phoney and it’s cunning has no end. It’s clever. It is as old as humanity and it does not want to be found out. It has no physical body. It needs a host. The individual being is possessed by the self.

The self is composed of my likes and dislikes, my opinions, my ideas about life, love and the world which I declare ad infinitum. This keeps the self alive and healthy. It lives off excitement and depression, on talking about the past and looking forward to the future. It hopes, wishes, wants and is never happy. It loves you today and hates you tomorrow. This is your life. This is the reason for all the ills on earth.

The self knows no love. It knows it doesn’t have it. It knows that it wants it but also that if it ever found it, it would destroy itself, for true love destroys ignorance which is what the self is. This is the only thing the self can realise in its insane desire to aggrandise and obliterate itself. I can do nothing. This is the only purity that it can achieve through suffering again and again until it surrenders to the Mystery and gives up.

The idiocy of the masses is reaching critical point. This can be seen everywhere. The virus of stupidity is symbolised by the appearance of physical viruses. Everything is reflected symbolically in the diamond that is creation. The hall of mirrors is there for anyone to see who sees clearly. The virus of hate and sexuality that is irresponsible. The virus of fear that is everywhere. The virus of indifference, greed. The virus of the cult of self.

The cyclical nature of humanity’s past is not imaginary. From simplicity to complexity. From the Divine to the present state of mass dreaming. Only the individual can step out of this deluge. There’s not much time left in this dream sequence. It doesn’t matter. Only the masses, the ignorance will die. The dreamer will awaken and begin again.

How is the reflection of ignorance doing?

Have a look around. The rivers of advice, opinions, proliferate at insane proportions. Why is this happening? Who is giving this advice and who is reading it? The self. The ignorance is screaming at itself in a last-ditch, all-out, symbolic repetition of the biblical flood.

As within so without. The insanity and lack of love within the self is reflected without. Both in nature and man-made nonsense.

Who will listen? Not the masses. It’s too late. Only the individual. She or he who is ready to die for love, for life and give up their opinions, their self. This is not for those who are not ready. This is controlled by the Mystery itself and the individual knows when it’s time. The rest will continue squawking and clucking. Ever has it been this way.

Yet there are no losers. The Mystery that is love is eternally patient. Though it takes a million lifetimes, every individual returns home eventually. The only thing that dies and is never seen again is the self, the selfish person, the personality, the ignorance. Praise be to the stars.

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