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Writer's pictureNofel Nawras

Global Self-Expression, Mass Neurosis Signifying The End Is Near.

Historians and scientists have much in common. Their theories and conclusions are often proved wrong in retrospect. Psychologists also seem to be a hit and miss affair apart from those who love the Divine, the Mystery, and are willing to go against the stream of prevailing ideas of the times.

The insights of humanity are usually seen from a vantage point of distance and reflection. Unfortunately, there are dynamics converging that will not allow the usual parameters.

Time is running out.

If you disagree with me I guarantee you are a busy person, motivated and your day is filled with activity. It doesn’t take a degree in Anthropology or Social Sciences to see that over the last few hundred years, life has become ever more complex and stressful.

The space to sit and do nothing, to rest in that rocking chair and watch the changing colours of the morning or evening sky is rare.

The inner quiet to listen to a friend or loved one and hear their soul speaking rather than the garbage of modern society is rare.

The love and patience needed to sit and play with your child without any effort, agenda and hear who they are and what they need are rare.

Why? What’s happened? How have we progressed to this state where we are all so damaged and seeking quick-fix answers that will bring instant gratification?

The pyramids took thousands of years to construct. Nowadays you can build a house in a few weeks. Of course, the analogy is somewhat crude and arbitrary but it can’t be gainsaid in essence. Time was slower in the past. There was more of it. Psychologically, emotionally, actually, because of our intimate relationship with the Mystery that time is, because of our connectedness with the earth, the stars, the source of Life within us, time as a factor of movement towards a goal was relatively irrelevant.

All this may have been unconscious and probably was. It may have been a hard and painful existence and it probably was. It may have been a life of boredom, monotony, hardship, mediocrity and probably was.

Yet nevertheless, time was younger then. It stretched out far beyond the days and hours we cram with useless activity and worry.

I don’t wish to imply we weren’t as selfish, greedy or ignorant a thousand, two thousand years ago as we are now. It simply means we were less stressed, emotional, and had more time. Nor do I see those times as happier, more fulfilled, content. Yet the people of the past walked a different dimension of temporal perspective.

The desire for a better life and comfort has created the world we live in today. What on earth can be wrong with that? Nothing. It is the inherent dynamic of humanity to find a way of life that is fulfilling, joyous, harmonious, creative and all-embracing.

How are we doing?

Once we needed nothing but to give thanks to the stars, the earth, to all of nature in silence and gratitude.

There were only about three million of us and plenty to go round. Being so close to the Mystery, one with it and the Love that is our nature, our essence, we lived in paradise. Methuselah lived 900 years.

Today we are scheduled from waking to restless, disturbed, chaotic sleep. Our lives are empty of value and meaning other than to survive, make money, a name for ourselves and compete, struggle, make sense of the insanity.

The numbers that use alcohol, drugs, sex, violence and all the myriad forms of escapist entertainment that advertise and scream ad-infinitum what I like, ‘I’m doing so well!’ and what I don’t like, ‘Jesus, I’ve had such a bad day.’ multiply on ‘Platforms’ in a parody of the biblical deluge that is recorded in the earth’s strata.

The global brain is about to explode.

If anything I say seems to paint a hopeless scenario that may resonate, I make no apology for the darkness of my perceptions. The worst is coming. It’s almost upon us. The intelligentsia, the scientists, the liberals and the whole of humanity may wish it otherwise and hope it may not happen. Doesn’t seem to matter. In fact, all that hoping is actually making things worse.

Hope is prayer. Prayer is force. It is dynamic. It works. It is dualistic, having a positive and negative effect. The combined praying of nine billion people is quite a phenomenon. It builds up and is about to explode. The more people praying, about nine billion and counting, the more force available and ready to be unleashed.

Prayer is mostly unconscious. I pray to be well, to get through the day, to keep my house, my children, my job. Then there are the more powerful prayers right up to the people in power and the super-rich.

The human psyche is deep. It is a reservoir of potential desire, wanting, praying. It’s clever, cunning and knows that time is running out. Out from its source like a witches brew it sends out the signals for the people it possesses. In a desire to survive, a last-ditched frenzy of self-expressive panic, it appears as the multitude of opinions and advice on what is right and good for the people and the planet.

What wonderful hubris, what glorious irony.

The monster that eats itself is coming close to satiating it’s insatiable appetite by vanishing. Thank the stars.

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