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Writer's pictureNofel Nawras

5 Million Ways To Say Absolutely Nothing.

Updated: Mar 14, 2020

I know… I’m mean and nasty and need to find some love.

Talking of which… do you think love is something that goes up and down? You remember when you met her, or him, and got together and it was so wonderful and you knew they were the one and your heart was chocolate sprinkles and wild honey with crunchy bits and you floated to Valhalla and danced, oh how you danced…

The bodies danced and you loved it and it was incredible. I’m building, I’m building… it’s coming.

After a short while, when you parted in pain and said things, felt things that were so ghastly… what happened to the love? Where’s it gone?

So love is just something that comes and goes? One day it’s there and next, history.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed but we’re in the age of self. The personality. The outward appearance and surface structure of things. The Hindus say we’re in the Kali age, which happens to be the worst. The reign of materialism is ascendant. The superbrain is manifesting at light speed and the connections are all viral, baby. Value is profit margins. Meaning is ‘Likes’. Life is get what you can before some other spark… too late.

A happy hamster is a busy one, a useful one, a friendly, warm and cuddly one.

Back to love. What is it? Come on. Tell me.

‘Oh, you know… it can’t be described. You’ll know it when it happens.’

Something here doesn’t quite add up to my simple mind.

Seven-year-old: Mommy, what’s falling in love?

Mommy: It’s when you know you’ve found someone you want to be with forever. Seven-year-old: Is that it? Mommy: No. You have this wonderful feeling inside that makes you feel happy. Seven-year-old: Like when it’s my birthday? Mommy: Sort of. Seven-year-old: Are you in love with daddy? Mommy: Of course. Seven-year-old: So you have that feeling all the time? Mommy: Why don’t you go and play, darling?

Why do we settle for so little? Why do we accept that love changes, fades, dies? Is it something to do with sex? When you get together and it’s wonderful to begin with and then it somehow fades away? Why? Is it because we know nothing about the difference between love and sex?

We love simple answers. Here’s one.

Sex, as practised by most of the people on the planet, is selfish. It has wanting in it. It has motive in it. It has frustration and a desire to possess in it. It has no knowledge of what lovemaking is about, apart from to populate and satisfy an animal urge. It’s over in a couple of minutes unless you use some chemical and there is no purpose in it, no knowledge of what it is, or what it’s for.

Sex, like death, is still a global taboo, unless you think that porn, or spicing it up or going to a tantra session, is going to help.

So here’s the bit you’re going to laugh at.

There is such a thing as real tantra. It is a love that knows no end. It is eternal. It knows no ups and downs. It has no pain in it. How could it? It’s love. Not the human stuff that’s up and down. Real love is immortal. Forever.

Oh, oh. Call 911.

Tantra is not exciting, not selfish, has no wanting in it. It has purpose and knowledge and is the mystery of Life, Love uniting two individuals to raise their consciousness and destroy their selfishness.

Tantra has been usurped by the therapists and false gurus for their own selfish agendas and is now a trending word of the ignorant masses.

Okay… suppose you’re still here. How do I do it? How do I know if it’s real, true, and you’re not some crazy?

First, you have to suffer doing it your way. That takes a few thousand lives. Then you have to be broken and give up all your ideas of what you are, who you are. All your ideas and principles. All your family friends, beliefs. All have to go.


Then, you have to be on your knees, finished. Bereft and in despair with no way out, no one to help and no 12 steps. If you get that far in a few more thousand lifetimes, you might have the humility to turn within, to truly turn within and ask for help.


It’s there. In an instant.

Of course, by that time you will have realised the awful truth. You will have grown in your honesty and truth enough to have seen through all the false personalities you have shed.

You will have seen all the lies and repetition of karma that has been going on forever. The ignorance of life and love dressed up for each new willing generation in shiny new clothes.

You will know you are utterly alone and that there is still so much dying left to do and the remnants of your self will scream that you are mad, that you are deluded, that it can’t be done.

You might have to wait again for another few thousand lives.

Eventually, by the Grace of the Mystery, a wonderful day will arise when you know who you are and no matter what it takes, you will die to the self. Die to the phoney that has brought this planet to the verge of destruction. Die to the ignorance of personal, selfish, changeable love and be taken in hand by Love itself.

Oh, happy day.

Seven-year-old: Daddy, do you love mommy? Daddy: Sure, honey. Why do you ask? Seven-year-old: Oh, I was just wondering why you never hold hands anymore or talk sweetly to one another and why you have separate rooms, friends, hobbies? Daddy: One more story and lights out.

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